Estimation of antioxidant potential of plants of urban ecosystems in the conditions of anthropogenic soil pollution

Keywords: technogenic pollution, urban ecology, lead, phenolic compounds, urban phytocenosis, phytoindication


Goal. Тo evaluate the influence of lead in the soil on the antioxidant status of woody and herbaceous plants, which is formed by phenolic compounds (on the example of Odessa. Methods. Integrated use of field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical, computational and comparative methods and system analysis. Results. It was found that the nature of changes in the activity of polyphenols and CBA under man-made stress plants can be combined into 4 clusters: the first group is formed by elderberry; the second group included black poplar and privet; the third group according to the results of cluster analysis included alpine currant, lilac, viburnum, comfrey, white clover and clover, dandelion, snowberry, yarrow, tansy, linden; the fourth group included hanging birch, sharp-leaved maple, buckthorn, barberry, vangutta, wrinkled rose. According to the results of the evaluation of the reactivity of low molecular weight water-soluble antioxidants, it was found that in the studied plants such species as black elder, privet and black poplar have the highest adaptive potential in conditions of anthropogenic pollution. Polyphenols play a significant role in shaping the resilience of these species to environmental stress. Of herbaceous plants, buckthorn prefabricated by stimulating the accumulation of polyphenols has a higher physiological stability. Conclusions. The role of polyphenols in the formation of antioxidant potential of urban plants in conditions of man – made soil pollution has been studied. A cluster analysis of the patterns of accumulation of CBA and polyphenols in plants of urban ecosystems was performed. According to the nature of the physiological activity of the accumulation of low molecular weight antioxidants, 4 groups of plants were identified. The obtained results can be used for a comprehensive diagnosis of the resistance of urban plants to anthropogenic impact, as well as to improve approaches and methods for monitoring industrial pollution of urban areas.


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