Variety testing of winter soft wheat in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: variety, variety study, yield, winter soft wheat


In recent decades, the yield of grain crops, including winter wheat, increased significantly on a global scale. This was primarily due to the selection and genetic improvement of the varietal composition. Replacing old varieties with new, more productive, competitive ones with broad agroecological plasticity and increased adaptive properties to adverse environmental conditions is one of the most rational ways to increase the grain yield of winter grain crops. The aim of the study is to investigate the yield potential and adaptive properties of newly registered varieties of soft winter wheat for the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Experimental studies were conducted during 2018–2022 yrs in the conditions of the Educational, Scientific and Practical Center of the Mykolaiv National Agrarian University. It were used field and comparative research methods. Results. The studied varieties of winter wheat have very good indicators for economic characteristics. In terms of grain quality, the studied varieties belong to the group of strong (Legend of Bilotserkivska, Wisdom of Odesa, Koshova, Maria, Felix) and valuable (Ozerna, Staleva, Kvitka polov, Duma Odeska, Zdobna, Divo, MIP Valensia, Pammyati Ghirka, Kantarina, Ponticus) and Glaucus). MIP varieties Asol, Kraevyd and Faustus are fillers. In the conditions of the experimental field of the Mykolaiv NAU, on average over the years of research, it was determined that among the soft winter wheat varieties of the steppe ecotype, Duma Odeska (6.24 t/ha) and Ozerna (6.17 t/ha) formed the highest grain yield; varieties of the forest-steppe ecotype – Zdobna (5.98 t/ha), Pam’yati Ghirka (5.96 t/ha) and Kvitka poliov (5.94 t/ha), and among the varieties of German selection – the Glaukus variety (5.80 t/ha). Conclusions. Among the 20 researched varieties of soft winter wheat of different ecological origin, more productive and adapted to the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine, the Duma Odeska, Ozerna, Zdobna, Pam’yati Ghirka, Kvitka poliov and Glaucus varieties were determined, which, on average, over the years of research, formed grain yield at the level of 6.24, respectively; 6.17; 5.98; 5.96; 5.94 and 5.80 t/ha and in terms of grain quality, they are valuable.


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