The effect of a mycorrhizal preparation on the formation of yield of cucumber hybrids under protected soil conditions

Keywords: mycorrhiza, hybrid, total yield, biometric indicators of plants, cucumber seed


Goal. The purpose of our research was to study the effect of the mycorrhizal drug Micofrend on the yield of cucumber hybrids under protected soil conditions. Methods. The vegetative method of research involved determining the impact of the use of Micofrend for pre-sowing seed preparation and root feeding of plants in the 5–6 leaf phase. The research material was cucumber hybrids: Spino F1, Ecole F1, Pasalimo F1 and Pasamonte F1. In each variant, 10 plants were evaluated according to the main biometric indicators: stem length, number of leaves, area of the leaf surface of the plant. The total yield of cucumber hybrids according to the experiment was formed from the collection of greens, which was carried out every 2–3 days at the beginning of fruiting and daily during the period of mass fruiting. The weight of the fruits of each collection was added and converted into the total yield in kg/m2. With the help of the statistical method by means of dispersion analysis, the smallest significant difference according. Research results. Our research has confirmed the effectiveness of mycorrhiza on the formation of basic biometric parameters of cucumber plants: stem length, number of leaves, leaf surface area. The use of the preparation for pre-sowing cucumber seeds increased the length of the stem by 7.9%, the number of leaves by 13.3%, and the area of the leaf surface by 9.2%; for root feeding in the phase of 5–6 leaves of cucumber hybrid plants – to increase the length of the stem by 6.1%, the number of leaves by 9.3%, the area of the leaf surface by 7.7%. Two-time use of the Micofrend drug increased the length of the stem by 14.6%, the number of leaves by 24.7%, and the area of the leaf surface by 19.3%. The analysis of yield data showed that the use of the mycorrhizal drug Micofrend for growing cucumber hybrids in protected soil conditions increases yield. In particular, during the pre-sowing soaking of seeds in the solution, the total yield increased by 50.1%; root feeding in the phase of 5–6 leaves – by 47.2%; double use – by 77.2%. Conclusions. It was established that in order to ensure a high yield of cucumber hybrids in protected soil conditions, it is necessary to apply: pre-sowing soaking of seeds in Micofrend solution (10 g/l) and root feeding of plants in the phase of 5–6 leaves with Micofrend solution (2 g/l).


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