Indication of winter rape nutrition system by chlorophyll fluorescence induction

Keywords: fertilization system, chlorophyll fluorescence index, growth regulating agents, microfertilizers, foliar fertilization


The aim of the research was to investigate the possibility and effectiveness of using the method of chlorophyll fluorescence induction to assess the effectiveness of different variants of winter rape fertilization system. Methods. The study was conducted during 2022–2023 on the basis of «VIN-AGRO GROUP» LLC on gray forest soils with medium fertility potential. The experiment was replicated four times. The placement of the variants was systematic in two tiers. The experiment involved the study of the following factors: B – variant of background fertilization; C – application of growth-regulating substances with fungicidal effect during the growing season; D – foliar fertilization. Results. A positive increase in the basic indicators of the FFH curve F0, Fpl, Fm, Fst for optimizing measures of technological design of the winter rape fertilization system in the value of increases in comparison of the minimum (variant B1–C1–D1) and maximum combination of intensification factors (variant B2–C2–D4) of 11.8%, 7.6%, 38.8% and 19.0%, respectively, was established. This, in turn, ensured the formation of the assimilation apparatus of plants, which, according to such indicators as the value of water potential (Lwp), plant viability index (RFd) index of efficiency of primary reactions of photosynthesis (Kprp) and fluorescence decay coefficient (Kfd) showed a significantly lower level of abiotic stress, higher functional parameters of photoassimilation, which positively affects the growth and productive processes of winter rape plants. Conclusions. The maximum basic indicators of the IFH curve (F0, Fpl, Fm, Fst) and optimized derivative indicators calculated on their basis were observed in the variant with an improved background fertilization system (variant B2) when using growth-regulating preparations with fungicidal effect (variant C2) and the use of foliar fertilization (variant D4).


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