Keywords: Paeonia L., biometrics, grafting, taxon, growth, development, introduction.


In the conditions of modern landscaping trends, a careful selection of plant assortment that requires a minimum of effort in the care of green spaces determines their popularity both in private landscaping and in objects of various purpose of landscaping of the city. An exceptional role belongs to the herbaceous species of the genus Paeonia L. based on the set of biometric indicators of generative organs in the conditions of the architectural and exposition site of the VNAU, it is recommended for cultivation in the conditions of the Podillia zone, as elements of landscaping parks, recreational areas and private houses, as well as objects of commercial activity. Goal. Research of biometric indicators of vegetative organs of peonies used in the landscaping of the architectural and exposition area of VNAU, to identify and select species and varieties resistant to the conditions of Podillia for wide implementation in various landscaping objects of the city of Vinnytsia. Methods. The research was carried out by processing the biometric indicators of vegetative organs of the peony for the period 2018–2022 in the conditions of the architectural and exposition area of the VNAU. The results. The ability of cuttings to take root is determined by the regenerative features of plants. The highest rooting ability was noted in P. lactiflora of the Vesilna variety (90.1%), which is due to the long period of shoot growth in this species. The researched varieties and hybrids of peonies have anthocyanin coloring of leaves and stems, which protects their seedlings from adverse low temperatures, and also has a high decorative effect. The available taxa belong to the groups with very early, early, early-medium, medium, medium-late and late flowering periods. Conclusions. Taking into account the perspective of the use of herbaceous species of the genus Paeonia L. based on the set of biometric indicators of generative organs in the conditions of the architectural and exposition site of the VNAU, it is recommended for cultivation in the conditions of the Podillia zone, as elements of landscaping parks, recreational areas and private houses, as well as objects of commercial activity taxa Wedding, Sarah Bernard, Mons. Jules Elie, Henry Bockstoce, Mahogany, Red Sails, Cherry Red and others.


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