Evaluation of melon samples for resistance to UV-B radiation in the selection of new stress-tolerant varieties for the South of Ukraine
Goal. Our goal was to evaluate and select sources of valuable traits of melon based on resistance to UV-B radiation for adaptive selection in the conditions of Southern Ukraine. Methods. The researches were based on complex use of field, calculated-comparative mathematical-statistical, methods and system analysis. Results. Plant-breeding work was conducted with the plants of the Ukrainian and foreign selection. In a period growing of seedlings the ultraviolet radiation of plants (at the range of 320–280 nanometers) is conducted and the reaction of plants is set on maintenance general chlorophyll in leafs to and after an irradiation. The indicators of temperature resistance, drought resistance and UV-B sensitivity of selected melon samples were determined. It was found that the proportion of the studied samples (14%) has an average level of sensitivity to UV-B radiation, and 86% of the samples had a high sensitivity (70,0–80,1%). The Didona sample showed the lowest sensitivity (39,9%), the productivity of one plant was 3,2 kg. The relationship between UV-B sensitivity and morpho-physiological features of genotypes was established. The Olvia and Fortuna varieties were selected for the trait «average fruit weight». The parameters of adaptability were evaluated and melon breeding samples (Maria, Fortuna, Yuzhanka) with the highest stress resistance to negative environmental factors were selected. Conclusions. The use of an improved method for evaluating and selecting melon genotypes for resistance to UV-B irradiation can significantly reduce the time to identify the best productive samples in the field and reduce the amount of breeding material for evaluating genotypes for a set of economic traits. The use of the UV-B resistance coefficient in the laboratory makes it possible to select melon samples with the highest stress resistance and high productivity for further crossing in the breeding process.
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