Keywords: tomato, fertilizers, Bioproferm, photosynthetic potential, yield, fruit quality.


Purpose. To establish the influence of different types of fertilizers on the formation of assimilating leaves area, tomato plants productivity and quality of fruits under drip irrigation in the South of Ukraine was the aim of the research. Methods. We used general scientific methods: field, laboratory, measurement and calculation, comparative, mathematical-statistical and system analysis. Results. The research showed, that at drip the regime of irrigation for pre-irrigation moisture content of 80% lowest moisture capacity and mineral fertilizers (N109P101K72) increases the area of assimilative leaves of tomato plants 'Kumach' variety by 0,85 thousand t/ha compared to the control (without fertilizers). The increase of assimilative apparatus of tomato plants was the highest in the study (1,83 thousand m2/ha) due to the presowing application of organic fertilizer «Bioproferm» (6 t/ ha), which is equal to the active substance with mineral nutrients. Photosynthetic potential at the application of organic fertilizer was 1089,55 thousand m2*day/ha, which is 113,59 thousand m2*day/ha more, than the control. Not so rapid reduction (die-off) of the leaf apparatus of plants in the phase of mass ripening of fruits when using all types of additives is noted. The application of organic fertilizer creates conditions for the formation of the highest yield of fruits – 79,5 t/ha. Application of fertilizer contributed to improving the quality of fruits: increased dry matter content, total sugar, vitamin C and reduced acidity of the juice. Conclusions. Tomato plants of ‘Kumach’ variety, which were grown under field condition by sowing seeds, formed the largest asymmetric surface area and photosynthetic potential at the stage of fruit formation. The use of mineral fertilizers and Bioproferm biofertilizer increases leaf area and photosynthetic potential of plants compared with unfertilized control. The quality of fruits when using organic preparations was higher compared to the use of mineral fertilizers.


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